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his popularity has increased (by) 2 percent

  • 1 increase

    1. intransitive verb
    zunehmen; [Schmerzen:] stärker werden; [Lärm:] größer werden; [Verkäufe, Preise, Nachfrage:] steigen

    increase in weight/size/price — schwerer/größer/teurer werden

    increase in maturity/value/popularity — an Reife/Wert/Popularität (Dat.) gewinnen

    2. transitive verb
    1) (make greater) erhöhen; vermehren [Besitz]
    2) (intensify) verstärken

    increase one's efforts/commitment — sich mehr anstrengen/engagieren

    3. noun
    1) (becoming greater) Zunahme, die (in Gen.); (in measurable amount) Anstieg, der (in Gen.); (deliberately caused) Steigerung, die (in Gen.)

    increase in weight/size — Gewichtszunahme, die/Vergrößerung, die

    increase in popularity — Popularitätsgewinn, der

    be on the increase — [ständig] zunehmen

    2) (by reproduction) Zunahme, die; Zuwachs, der
    3) (amount) Erhöhung, die; (of growth) Zuwachs, der
    * * *
    1. [in'kri:s] verb
    (to (cause to) grow in size, number etc: The number of children in this school has increased greatly in recent years.) zunehmen
    2. ['inkri:s] noun
    ((the amount, number etc added by) growth: There has been some increase in business; The increase in the population over the last ten years was 40,000.) die Zunahme
    - academic.ru/37503/increasingly">increasingly
    - on the increase
    * * *
    I. vi
    prices, taxes, interest rates [an]steigen; pain, troubles, worries stärker werden, zunehmen; in size wachsen
    to \increase dramatically [or drastically] dramatisch [o drastisch] [an]steigen; population, wealth anwachsen
    to \increase tenfold/threefold sich akk verzehnfachen/verdreifachen
    II. vt
    to \increase sth (make more) etw erhöhen; (make stronger) etw verstärken; (make larger) etw vergrößern
    gently \increase the heat die Hitze langsam erhöhen; reserves, finances aufstocken
    III. n
    Anstieg m, Zunahme f, Zuwachs m; (growth) Wachstum nt
    the \increase in the number of unemployed der Anstieg der Arbeitslosenzahlen
    an \increase in production eine Steigerung der Produktion
    \increase in capacity Kapazitätserweiterung f
    \increase in efficiency Effizienzsteigerung f
    \increase in pollution zunehmende Umweltverschmutzung
    \increase in value Wertsteigerung f
    \increase in violence zunehmende Gewalt
    price \increase Preisanstieg m, Teuerung f SCHWEIZ
    tax \increase Steuererhöhung f
    to be on the \increase ansteigen; in numbers [mehr und] [o [immer]] mehr werden; in size [immer] größer werden; in reserves, finances Aufstockung f
    * * *
    1. vi
    zunehmen; (taxes) erhöht werden; (pain also) stärker werden; (amount, number, noise, population also) anwachsen; (possessions, trade, riches also) sich vermehren, (an)wachsen; (pride also, strength) wachsen; (price, sales, demand) steigen; (supply, joy, rage) sich vergrößern, größer werden; (business, institution, town) sich vergrößern, wachsen; (rain, wind) stärker werden

    to increase in volume/weight — umfangreicher/schwerer werden, an Umfang/Gewicht zunehmen

    to increase in breadth/size/number — sich verbreitern/vergrößern/vermehren, breiter/größer/mehr werden

    industrial output increased by 2% last year — die Industrieproduktion wuchs im letzten Jahr um 2%

    2. vt
    vergrößern; rage, sorrow, joy, possessions, riches also vermehren; darkness, noise, love, resentment also, effort verstärken; trade, sales erweitern; numbers, taxes, price, speed, demand, tension erhöhen; chances verbessern

    he increased his efforts —

    then to increase our difficulties — was die Dinge noch schwieriger machte, was unsere Schwierigkeiten noch vergrößerte

    increased demanderhöhte or verstärkte Nachfrage

    his hours were increased to 25 per weekseine Stundenzahl wurde auf 25 Wochenstunden erhöht

    we increased output to... — wir erhöhten den Ausstoß auf...

    they increased her salary by £2,000 to £20,000 a year — sie erhöhten ihr Jahresgehalt um £ 2.000 auf £ 20.000

    3. n
    ['ɪnkriːs] Zunahme f, Erhöhung f, Steigerung f; (in size) Vergrößerung f, Erweiterung f; (in number) Vermehrung f, Zuwachs m, Zunahme f; (in speed, spending) Erhöhung f ( in +gen), Steigerung f ( in +gen); (of business) Erweiterung f, Vergrößerung f; (in sales) Zuwachs m; (in expenses) Vermehrung f ( in +gen), Steigerung f ( in +gen); (of effort etc) Vermehrung f, Steigerung f, Verstärkung f; (of demand) Verstärkung f, Steigen nt; (of work) Mehr nt (of an +dat), Zunahme f; (of violence) Zunahme f, Anwachsen nt; (of salary) Gehaltserhöhung f or -aufbesserung f; (of noise) Zunahme f, Verstärkung f

    an increase in the population of 10% per year — eine jährliche Bevölkerungszunahme or ein jährlicher Bevölkerungszuwachs von 10%

    to get an increase of £5 per week — £ 5 pro Woche mehr bekommen, eine Lohnerhöhung von £ 5 pro Woche bekommen

    increase in valueWertzuwachs m, Wertsteigerung f

    * * *
    increase [ınˈkriːs]
    A v/i
    1. zunehmen, größer werden, (an)wachsen, (an)steigen, sich vergrößern oder vermehren oder erhöhen oder steigern oder verstärken:
    prices have increased die Preise sind gestiegen oder haben angezogen;
    his popularity has increased (by) 2 percent (Br per cent) seine Beliebtheit ist um 2 Prozent gestiegen;
    increase in size (value) an Größe (Wert) zunehmen, größer (wertvoller) werden;
    increase in price im Preis steigen, teurer werden;
    a) Mehrbedarf m,
    b) WIRTSCH verstärkte Nachfrage;
    increased production WIRTSCH Produktionssteigerung f
    2. sich (durch Fortpflanzung) vermehren
    B v/t vergrößern, -stärken, -mehren, erhöhen, steigern, SPORT seine Führung etc ausbauen, WIRTSCH das Kapital aufstocken:
    increase tenfold verzehnfachen;
    increase sb’s salary jemandes Gehalt erhöhen oder aufbessern;
    increase a sentence eine Strafe erhöhen oder verschärfen;
    increase the speed die Geschwindigkeit steigern oder erhöhen oder heraufsetzen;
    increase one’s lead seinen Vorsprung ausdehnen oder ausbauen (to auf akk)
    C s [ˈınkriːs]
    1. Vergrößerung f, -mehrung f, -stärkung f, Zunahme f, (An)Wachsen n, Zuwachs m, Wachstum n, Steigen n, Steigerung f, Erhöhung f:
    increase in the bank rate WIRTSCH Heraufsetzung f oder Erhöhung des Diskontsatzes;
    increase in population Bevölkerungszunahme, -zuwachs;
    increase in purchasing power Kaufkraftzuwachs;
    increase in sales WIRTSCH Absatzsteigerung;
    increase in trade WIRTSCH Aufschwung m des Handels;
    increase in value Wertsteigerung, -zuwachs;
    increase of capital WIRTSCH Kapitalerhöhung;
    increase of a function MATH Zunahme einer Funktion;
    increase of ( oder in) salary Gehaltserhöhung, -aufbesserung f, -zulage f;
    increase twist TECH Progressivdrall m
    2. Vermehrung f (durch Fortpflanzung)
    3. Zuwachs m (eines Betrages), Mehrbetrag m
    incr. abk
    * * *
    1. intransitive verb
    zunehmen; [Schmerzen:] stärker werden; [Lärm:] größer werden; [Verkäufe, Preise, Nachfrage:] steigen

    increase in weight/size/price — schwerer/größer/teurer werden

    increase in maturity/value/popularity — an Reife/Wert/Popularität (Dat.) gewinnen

    2. transitive verb
    1) (make greater) erhöhen; vermehren [Besitz]
    2) (intensify) verstärken

    increase one's efforts/commitment — sich mehr anstrengen/engagieren

    3. noun
    1) (becoming greater) Zunahme, die (in Gen.); (in measurable amount) Anstieg, der (in Gen.); (deliberately caused) Steigerung, die (in Gen.)

    increase in weight/size — Gewichtszunahme, die/Vergrößerung, die

    increase in popularity — Popularitätsgewinn, der

    be on the increase — [ständig] zunehmen

    2) (by reproduction) Zunahme, die; Zuwachs, der
    3) (amount) Erhöhung, die; (of growth) Zuwachs, der
    * * *
    Anstieg -e m.
    Erhöhung -en f.
    Vermehrung f.
    Wachstum -¨er n.
    Zunahme -n f.
    Zuwachs m. (in) v.
    steigern v.
    vergrößern v.
    vermehren v.
    zunehmen (an) v. v.
    anwachsen v.
    erhöhen v.
    vergrößern v.
    vermehren v.
    wachsen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: wuchs, ist gewachsen)
    zunehmen v.

    English-german dictionary > increase

  • 2 aumentar

    1 to increase, to rise.
    aumentar la producción to increase production
    la lente aumenta la imagen the lens magnifies the image
    me han aumentado el sueldo my salary has been raised
    aumentó casi 10 kilos he put on almost 10 kilos
    aumentar de peso/tamaño to increase in weight/size
    aumentar de precio to go up o increase in price
    el desempleo aumentó en un 4 por ciento unemployment rose o increased by 4 percent
    El ejercicio aumenta el apetito Exercising increases the appetite.
    Aumentaron los gastos The expenses increased.
    Nos aumentaron las ganancias este año Our profits increased this year.
    2 to magnify, to amplify.
    El reportero aumentó la noticia The reporter magnified the news story.
    3 to enlarge.
    Vamos a aumentar la casa We will enlarge the house.
    4 to raise, to improve.
    El movimiento aumentó la temperatura Movement raised the temperature.
    5 to increase the size of, to enlarge.
    * * *
    1 to augment, increase (precios) to put up; (producción) to step up
    2 (óptica) to magnify
    3 (fotos) to enlarge
    4 (sonido) to amplify
    1 to rise, go up
    1 to increase, be on the increase (precios) to go up, rise
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [+ tamaño] to increase; (Fot) to enlarge; (Ópt) to magnify
    2) [+ cantidad] to increase; [+ precio] to increase, put up; [+ producción] to increase, step up
    3) [+ intensidad] to increase
    4) (Elec, Radio) to amplify
    2. VI
    1) [tamaño] to increase
    2) [cantidad, precio, producción] to increase, go up

    este semestre aumentó la inflación en un 2% — inflation has increased o gone up by 2% over the last 6 months

    3) [intensidad] to increase

    aumentar de peso[objeto] to increase in weight; [persona] to put on o gain weight

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <precio/sueldo> to increase, raise; <cantidad/velocidad/tamaño> to increase; <producción/dosis> to increase, step up; dolor/miedo/tensión to increase
    b) < puntos> ( en tejido) to increase
    aumentar vi temperatura/presión to rise; velocidad to increase; precio/producción/valor to increase, rise

    aumentar de algode volumen/tamaño to increase in something

    aumentó de pesohe put on o gained weight

    * * *
    = accelerate, augment, become + large, enhance, enlarge, escalate, expand, grow + larger, increase, raise, rise, strengthen, accentuate, grow, add to, deepen, mushroom, intensify, wax, swell, pump up, bump up, step up, spike, crank up, ramp up, move it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch, ratchet up, amp up, turn up.
    Ex. In recent years, the pace of change has accelerated with the introduction of on-line information retrieval.
    Ex. These sources which form the basis of the intellectual selection of terms may be augmented by the machine selection of terms.
    Ex. If the number of categories becomes large, cross-references will be necessary between individual files.
    Ex. An introduction explaining the nature and scope of the indexing language will enhance its value.
    Ex. Here entry is made under the original author of an edition that has been revised, enlarged, updated, condensed, and so on by another person.
    Ex. Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.
    Ex. As the quantity of knowledge expands the need to organise it becomes more pressing.
    Ex. As the system grows larger it's more difficult to maintain that control.
    Ex. Recall is inversely proportional to precision, and vice versa, or in other words, as one increases, the other must decrease.
    Ex. The speaker said that James estimated people function at only 20% of their capacity, and concluded that they could raise this percentage considerable if they knew how to manage their time more efficiently.
    Ex. If suppliers are forced out of business, there will be less software to lend and prices will rise with the lack of competition.
    Ex. He proposes a research agenda that could strengthen archival appraisal and the profession's ability to document society.
    Ex. However, future trends may tend to accentuate this division.
    Ex. No true reader can be expected to grow on a diet of prescribed texts only regardless of how well chosen they are.
    Ex. In addition, Britain has one of the most extensive bodies of legislation in the world, which is added to daily and encrusted with myriad rules and regulations.
    Ex. One of the effects of reading in children is that their appreciation of the processes and function of literature is deepened.
    Ex. The use of electronic mail systems has mushroomed in the last 5 years in industrialised nations.
    Ex. Whilst these achievements are commendable, there is a catch in them -- there can be used to 'intensify' the economic exploitation of women.
    Ex. The population waxed again slightly, then waned again, until it finally stabilized around its present 55,000.
    Ex. Reference work has been ill-served in the past by its expositors and theoreticians: its extensive literature of several hundred papers and books is swollen by a mass of the transient and the trivial.
    Ex. The article ' Pump up the program...' identifies the costs and benefits of undertaking a software upgrade.
    Ex. Most librarians will admit that they could probably increase the use made of their lending libraries and bump up their annual loans by stocking more romances and thrillers and fewer serious novels, but they do not do this.
    Ex. The intensity of marketing to schools and parents will have to be stepped up by publishers if they are to succeed in the more competitive market.
    Ex. Baby boomers are desperately trying to hold onto their salad days -- plastic surgery, vitamins and drugs like Viagra have spiked in public demand.
    Ex. Refiners are cranking up diesel output to meet rising global demand.
    Ex. EGND has hit a home run with the introduction of a new product line, increasing sales projections, and ramping up production schedules.
    Ex. Liverpool and Chelsea are grabbing all the headlines, but Arsenal have quietly moved it up a gear scoring 10 goals in their last three league games.
    Ex. Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.
    Ex. There was not much to separate the sides in the first ten minutes however Arsenal took it up a gear and got the goal but not without a bit of luck.
    Ex. We have a good time together and we're good friends.. but I'd like to take it up a notch.
    Ex. David quickly comprehended our project needs and then cranked it up a notch with impactful design.
    Ex. Went for a bike ride with a mate last week, no problems so will crank it up a gear and tackle some hills in the next few weeks.
    Ex. After a regular walking routine is established, why not move it up a notch and start jogging, if you haven't already.
    Ex. The health department has ratcheted up efforts to prevent or slow down the spread of swine flu in schools.
    Ex. In order to gain strength fast, you need to immediately begin amping up your strength thermostat in your mind.
    Ex. Cytokines are small proteins used to communicate messages between the immune cells in the immune system to either turn up or down the immune response.
    * aumentar de importancia = grow in + importance, grow in + significance.
    * aumentar de tamaño = grow in + size, grow + larger, increase in + size.
    * aumentar de valor = increase in + value.
    * aumentar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awareness.
    * aumentar el control = tighten (up) + control.
    * aumentar el esfuerzo = increase + effort.
    * aumentar el precio = mark up + price, jack up + the price.
    * aumentar el presupuesto = add + monies to + budget.
    * aumentar en cantidad = increase in + quantity.
    * aumentar en número = grow in + numbers, increase in + numbers.
    * aumentar en variedad = grow in + kind.
    * aumentar la confusión = add to + the confusion.
    * aumentar la experiencia = deepen + experience.
    * aumentar la productividad = increase + productivity, boost + Posesivo + productivity.
    * aumentar las diferencias entre... y = widen + the gap between... and.
    * aumentar las posibilidades = increase + the odds.
    * aumentar las probabilidades = shorten + the odds.
    * aumentar las ventas = boost + sales.
    * aumentar la velocidad = grow + faster.
    * aumentar los costes = cost + rise.
    * aumentar los impuestos = increase + taxes.
    * aumentar los ingresos = boost + Posesivo + income.
    * aumentar rápidamente = snowball.
    * crisis + aumentar = crisis + deepen.
    * estar aumentando = be on the increase.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <precio/sueldo> to increase, raise; <cantidad/velocidad/tamaño> to increase; <producción/dosis> to increase, step up; dolor/miedo/tensión to increase
    b) < puntos> ( en tejido) to increase
    aumentar vi temperatura/presión to rise; velocidad to increase; precio/producción/valor to increase, rise

    aumentar de algode volumen/tamaño to increase in something

    aumentó de pesohe put on o gained weight

    * * *
    = accelerate, augment, become + large, enhance, enlarge, escalate, expand, grow + larger, increase, raise, rise, strengthen, accentuate, grow, add to, deepen, mushroom, intensify, wax, swell, pump up, bump up, step up, spike, crank up, ramp up, move it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch, ratchet up, amp up, turn up.

    Ex: In recent years, the pace of change has accelerated with the introduction of on-line information retrieval.

    Ex: These sources which form the basis of the intellectual selection of terms may be augmented by the machine selection of terms.
    Ex: If the number of categories becomes large, cross-references will be necessary between individual files.
    Ex: An introduction explaining the nature and scope of the indexing language will enhance its value.
    Ex: Here entry is made under the original author of an edition that has been revised, enlarged, updated, condensed, and so on by another person.
    Ex: Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.
    Ex: As the quantity of knowledge expands the need to organise it becomes more pressing.
    Ex: As the system grows larger it's more difficult to maintain that control.
    Ex: Recall is inversely proportional to precision, and vice versa, or in other words, as one increases, the other must decrease.
    Ex: The speaker said that James estimated people function at only 20% of their capacity, and concluded that they could raise this percentage considerable if they knew how to manage their time more efficiently.
    Ex: If suppliers are forced out of business, there will be less software to lend and prices will rise with the lack of competition.
    Ex: He proposes a research agenda that could strengthen archival appraisal and the profession's ability to document society.
    Ex: However, future trends may tend to accentuate this division.
    Ex: No true reader can be expected to grow on a diet of prescribed texts only regardless of how well chosen they are.
    Ex: In addition, Britain has one of the most extensive bodies of legislation in the world, which is added to daily and encrusted with myriad rules and regulations.
    Ex: One of the effects of reading in children is that their appreciation of the processes and function of literature is deepened.
    Ex: The use of electronic mail systems has mushroomed in the last 5 years in industrialised nations.
    Ex: Whilst these achievements are commendable, there is a catch in them -- there can be used to 'intensify' the economic exploitation of women.
    Ex: The population waxed again slightly, then waned again, until it finally stabilized around its present 55,000.
    Ex: Reference work has been ill-served in the past by its expositors and theoreticians: its extensive literature of several hundred papers and books is swollen by a mass of the transient and the trivial.
    Ex: The article ' Pump up the program...' identifies the costs and benefits of undertaking a software upgrade.
    Ex: Most librarians will admit that they could probably increase the use made of their lending libraries and bump up their annual loans by stocking more romances and thrillers and fewer serious novels, but they do not do this.
    Ex: The intensity of marketing to schools and parents will have to be stepped up by publishers if they are to succeed in the more competitive market.
    Ex: Baby boomers are desperately trying to hold onto their salad days -- plastic surgery, vitamins and drugs like Viagra have spiked in public demand.
    Ex: Refiners are cranking up diesel output to meet rising global demand.
    Ex: EGND has hit a home run with the introduction of a new product line, increasing sales projections, and ramping up production schedules.
    Ex: Liverpool and Chelsea are grabbing all the headlines, but Arsenal have quietly moved it up a gear scoring 10 goals in their last three league games.
    Ex: Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.
    Ex: There was not much to separate the sides in the first ten minutes however Arsenal took it up a gear and got the goal but not without a bit of luck.
    Ex: We have a good time together and we're good friends.. but I'd like to take it up a notch.
    Ex: David quickly comprehended our project needs and then cranked it up a notch with impactful design.
    Ex: Went for a bike ride with a mate last week, no problems so will crank it up a gear and tackle some hills in the next few weeks.
    Ex: After a regular walking routine is established, why not move it up a notch and start jogging, if you haven't already.
    Ex: The health department has ratcheted up efforts to prevent or slow down the spread of swine flu in schools.
    Ex: In order to gain strength fast, you need to immediately begin amping up your strength thermostat in your mind.
    Ex: Cytokines are small proteins used to communicate messages between the immune cells in the immune system to either turn up or down the immune response.
    * aumentar de importancia = grow in + importance, grow in + significance.
    * aumentar de tamaño = grow in + size, grow + larger, increase in + size.
    * aumentar de valor = increase in + value.
    * aumentar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awareness.
    * aumentar el control = tighten (up) + control.
    * aumentar el esfuerzo = increase + effort.
    * aumentar el precio = mark up + price, jack up + the price.
    * aumentar el presupuesto = add + monies to + budget.
    * aumentar en cantidad = increase in + quantity.
    * aumentar en número = grow in + numbers, increase in + numbers.
    * aumentar en variedad = grow in + kind.
    * aumentar la confusión = add to + the confusion.
    * aumentar la experiencia = deepen + experience.
    * aumentar la productividad = increase + productivity, boost + Posesivo + productivity.
    * aumentar las diferencias entre... y = widen + the gap between... and.
    * aumentar las posibilidades = increase + the odds.
    * aumentar las probabilidades = shorten + the odds.
    * aumentar las ventas = boost + sales.
    * aumentar la velocidad = grow + faster.
    * aumentar los costes = cost + rise.
    * aumentar los impuestos = increase + taxes.
    * aumentar los ingresos = boost + Posesivo + income.
    * aumentar rápidamente = snowball.
    * crisis + aumentar = crisis + deepen.
    * estar aumentando = be on the increase.

    * * *
    aumentar [A1 ]
    1 ‹precio› to increase, raise, put up; ‹sueldo› to increase, raise; ‹cantidad/velocidad/tamaño› to increase; ‹producción/dosis› to increase, step up
    el microscopio aumenta la imagen the microscope enlarges o magnifies the image
    no hizo más que aumentar su dolor/miedo all it did was increase her pain/fear
    esto aumentó la tensión this added to o increased the tension
    2 ‹puntos› (en tejido) to increase
    ■ aumentar
    «temperatura» to rise; «presión» to rise, increase; «velocidad» to increase; «precio/producción/valor» to increase, rise
    el niño aumentó 500 gramos the child put on o gained 500 grams
    su popularidad ha aumentado his popularity has grown, he has gained in popularity
    el costo de la vida aumentó en un 3% the cost of living rose by 3%
    la dificultad de los ejercicios va aumentando the exercises get progressively more difficult
    aumentará el frío durante el fin de semana it will become colder over the weekend
    aumentar DE algo to increase IN sth
    aumentó de volumen/tamaño it increased in volume/size
    ha aumentado de peso he's put on o gained weight
    * * *


    aumentar ( conjugate aumentar) verbo transitivo

    precio/sueldo to increase, raise
    b) (Opt) to magnify

    verbo intransitivo [temperatura/presión] to rise;
    [ velocidad] to increase;
    [precio/producción/valor] to increase, rise;

    aumentar de algo ‹de volumen/tamaño› to increase in sth;
    aumentó de peso he put on o gained weight
    I verbo transitivo to increase
    Fot to enlarge
    Ópt to magnify
    II vi (una cantidad) to go up, rise
    (de valor) to appreciate

    ' aumentar' also found in these entries:
    - engordar
    - explorar
    - separar
    - separarse
    - doblar
    - elevar
    - multiplicar
    - redoblar
    add to
    - appreciate
    - augment
    - boost
    - build up
    - deepen
    - efficiency
    - enhance
    - escalate
    - gain
    - grow
    - heighten
    - improve
    - increase
    - intensify
    - jack up
    - jump
    - magnify
    - mark up
    - mount
    - odds
    - put up
    - quantity
    - raise
    - rise
    - snowball
    - step up
    - surge
    - swell
    - up
    - add
    - develop
    - go
    - put
    - soar
    - strengthen
    * * *
    to increase;
    aumentar la producción to increase production;
    los enfrentamientos aumentaron la tensión en la zona the clashes increased the tension in the zone;
    me han aumentado el sueldo my salary has been increased o raised;
    la lente aumenta la imagen the lens magnifies the image;
    aumentó casi 10 kilos he put on almost 10 kilos
    [temperatura, precio, gastos, tensión] to increase, to rise; [velocidad] to increase;
    aumentar de tamaño to increase in size;
    aumentar de precio to go up o increase in price;
    el desempleo aumentó en un 4 por ciento unemployment rose o increased by 4 percent;
    con lo que come, no me sorprende que haya aumentado de peso it doesn't surprise me that he's put on weight, considering how much he eats
    * * *
    I v/t increase; precio increase, raise, put up
    II v/i de precio, temperatura rise, increase, go up
    * * *
    acrecentar: to increase, to raise
    : to rise, to increase, to grow
    * * *
    1. (hacer subir) to increase / to raise
    2. (subir) to rise [pt. rose; pp. risen] / to increase
    3. (con lupa, microscopio) to magnify [pt. & pp. magnified]

    Spanish-English dictionary > aumentar

См. также в других словарях:

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  • France — /frans, frahns/; Fr. /frddahonns/, n. 1. Anatole /ann nann tawl /, (Jacques Anatole Thibault), 1844 1924, French novelist and essayist: Nobel prize 1921. 2. a republic in W Europe. 58,470,421; 212,736 sq. mi. (550,985 sq. km). Cap.: Paris. 3.… …   Universalium

  • Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… …   Universalium

  • United Kingdom — a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. 58,610,182; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). Cap.: London. Abbr.: U.K. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… …   Universalium

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